Friday, March 6, 2009

Rush: Caress of Steele

The Rush Limbaugh phenomenon defies all logic. How does a hate-spewing greaseball pill addict become the marauding muscle of the 'publican party? Like The Blob, any conservative who tries to stand up to this fat fuck gets absorbed--devoured by the gurgling, acidic digestive juices that dominate right-wing radio and Fux News. Hoping to God that Obama fails is Lumpbag's only chance to stay relevant.

When new RNC chair Michael Steele had the temerity to call out Limppaw as an "entertainer" who is "divisive" and "incendiary," the claws came out. Steele was summarily shredded. The next day, Steele retracted his comments, saying  "I realized the words I said wasn't what I was thinking. I was a little inarticulate. There was no attempt on my part to diminish his voice or his leadership."

Steele pretty much hit the ground running in panic mode, or at least with a healthy dose of blatant pandering when he undertook one of the most difficult political tasks in recent memory: how to save the badly stumbling, out-of-touch 'publican party. Even Lamehog himself sees the party as in a "sad-sack state." For his part, Steele wanted to spice up the GOP with urban appeal that was "off the hook" and full of "bling." Within a few days, he had abandoned his promised "hip-hop makeover" in favor of a "12-step program of recovery" for the GOP.

It's not a pretty sight. And that's what makes it so beautiful. In its race to self-destruction, the 'publican party has become a collection of lemmings and moths. The lemmings are the die-hard believers who would run full-speed off a cliff in blind allegiance to the divisive and incendiary commentary that Lobjaw and his ilk unleash. The moths don't know any better. They are trapped in flawed thinking that the harsh porch light they batter themselves against will somehow make the world a better place even as it slowly burns their wings off. 

Go lemmings! Go moths! It looks like natural selection is alive and well in the 21st century.

1 comment:

  1. I agree, it's a beautiful thing! Also, a bit OT, I want to say what a pleasure it is to meet another sELF fan!
